Thursday, October 1, 2009

Chapter 13 pics

Night Market!
Ice Cream with cilantro didn't taste that bad! The cilantro isn't actually in this pic but it was there...what you see is two scoops of ice cream (mango and vanilla), covered in crumbly granola, just about ready to be wrapped up in a thin crepe.

Sushi! How long has it been sitting out? Who we eat it anyway? We sure do...this is like much of the food in Taiwan...we are always eating from street vendors. We don't know where the food came from or how long it's been sitting out. one has a food license...we just eat! I haven't gotten sick yet...fingers crossed!

JiJi Day Trip!

Scootin' around on my electric bike....we rented these for our mode of idea we had all day!

Happenings around JiJi

Just another ordinary day...going to work in the rice field. I love the hat.

A sweet cafe we found!

Kids riding the unis!

Fruit stand!

Bananas! Naner milk with tapioca pearls, another favorite!

Fun pics at the old Army base!

The group, minus Sammy.

Mingcin Academy...check out the detail on this temple.

Ecological Park....amazingly beautiful!

Earthquake Site. Earthquake 921 happened just over ten years ago--the deadliest earthquake to hit Taiwan...a 7.5 on the Richter scale.

This temple is being held up by heavy duty cables. can find these at any temple. I always find them kind of fun....sometimes the wishes are written on just plain ole' paper or sometimes they're engraved in gold-plated plaques. I like the wood ones.

Praying for love at the LOVE temple.

Check out these wedding announcements......they are plastered all over the temple walls.

JiJi's beautiful countryside! There a huge mountains in Taiwan, but for some reason, the mist and fog like to cover them up!

Tabbi's wonderful photography skills!

Go Carts anyone?....a definite runner up for the best event of the day!

Sweet tunnel carved out of the mountain in JiJi. Our electric bikes barely made it up the mountain, but it was well worth the puttin'!

The not so itsy bitsy spider! Upon seeing these things, I don't really want to go hiking anymore.

Me and Tabbi in front of the smiling Buddha! He's huge!

...still at the Buddha! These lion statues are everywhere. They symbolize good luck! At some of the statues, a ball is carved inside of the lions mouth. I have yet to figure out what it means, but it's sweet because the ball cannot come wasn't placed inside the lions mouth, but carved from the inside out.

Pic with Elder and Sister Dowse, I love this couple! They're from American Fork....Sister Dowse made us dinner after church, yummy American food! Thanks!

The unexpected Bai Bai Festival Tabbi and I rode up upon. I feel like Bai Bai festivals are happening ALL the time....but this one was a little more extravagant.

The landmine Tabbi and I walked into. Oh man, scariest thing ever! Just imagine all these fireworks going off at once, and running from a big, dark cloud of smoke that is chasing after you...haha, where the heck are we? Only in Taiwan!

A statue of one of the gods who was being worshiped for the evening.

Burning ghost money....when burned, the money believed to be sent to the gods.

Food prepared for the gods.


Southern Utah Dermatolgy and Surgical Arts said...

This blog wins the reward for being the most
What a time in your life you are having!
(and Im a bitsy jealous)

Telsha Winger & fam said...

Looks like tonz of fun and busyness!

shaunelle said...

Oh your pictures are amazing!! It looks like you are having an awesome time.

Stevenson Stories said...

You are so adventerous
(sp?)... I still can't believe that you are there! Looks like you are having the time of your life! We miss you here though!