Thursday, October 29, 2009

Chapter 16 Pics

Two of my favorite SPE's...Jimmy and Scott! Their new thing: helping teacher. They always get after the other kids, "Super Students fold their arms....5, 4, 3, 2....Be quiet...Don't touch." Haha, well, if they don't pick up anything else, they're at least learning how to behave, right? Man, I must be a nazi!

Helping me to my seat. I love going to kitchen with these two boys, because they always hold out their arms toward my seat as if I'm a queen. They won't sit down until I do--it's so cute!

Handstands! Go Team Go! I'm already training the little one's to be cheerleaders....these are just some of their warm-ups!


A great start to a great trip! Spending the night at Charles' house in Kaohsiung!

The group in Kenting! All decked out in our gear for snorkeling!

Tabbi and I, ready to hit the water.

You can never be too safe! This dog was ready to go with his goggles and life funny!

Kenting Beach! We finally made it!

Kenting National Forest!

Cruisin' around on the scoots!

The most southern tip of Taiwan--Eluanbi Lighthouse

Beach Walk...pic taken off the wooden plank--so pretty!

Some of the group just hiking around!
Back Row (L-R): Charlene, me, Charles, Sunny, Lisa
Front Row (L-R): Tabbi, Kelly, and Wendy

Coral Caves....

No wonder people ask us if we're sisters...we don't plan this stuff, it just happens: cut-off's, black, curly hair, sunglasses....Love ya TIP!

On our hike, I stepped in a pile of gunk...YUCKY! Luckily there was a nearby stream to rinse off!

Lunch at Amy's Cucina! Yay for green salad...I ate it all! Notice the sign... "NO outside food, drink, pets, STINKY TOFU!" Haha, that stuff really stinks!

The squat! Nature vs. Nurture? It's up for debate.

Look at this little guy...he's got it down, heels to the floor and all....

...and then there's us, after months of practice, we still struggle to stay up!


1 comment:

Stevenson Stories said...

Look at all of the fun you are having. It still amazes me that you are seriously there!!!